Ended Mentoring:

Alberto Ojeda
Colaborator - Technischen Universität Berlin
Research: Ventricular assist device with pericardial inner lining.
Advisor: Prof. K.A. Affeld
Date: 1997

Andreas Arndt
Colaborator - Rostock University, Germany
Research: Adaptive control system for a pneumatic left ventricular assist device.
Advisor: Prof. Adolfo A. Leirner
Date: 1993 to 1995

Carlos Alberto Nunes
Master's Degree - Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Research: Evaluation of single channel cochlear implants.
Advisor: Dr. José Carlos Teixeira de Barros Moraes
Date: 1996 to 1998

Dr. Daniel Klotzel
Doctorate - School of Medicine, University of São Paulo
Research: Influence of the peritoneal cavity on illumination and color in pelvic laparoscopy.
Advisor: Prof. Adolfo A. Leirner
Date: 1996 to 2002

Dr. Duane Milioli
Doctorate - School of Medicine, University of São Paulo
Research: Comparative study of intracavitary cardioversion of atrial fibrillation: reliability and safety of a new right atrium-thorax electrode.
Advisor: Prof. Adolfo A. Leirner
Date: 1998 to 2002

Edson Anício Duarte
Master's Degree - Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Research: Electro-pneumatic driver for the InCor ventricular assist device.
Advisor: Dr. Idágene A. Cestari
Date: 1999 to 2001

Eric Tavares P. Santos
Master's Degree - Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Research: Isolated word speech recognition system for an application in Robotic Surgery.
Advisor: Dr. Idágene A. Cestari
Date: 2001 to 2003

Flávio Menegola
Master's Degree - Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Research: Low power microcontrolled demand pacemaker.
Advisor: Dr. José Carlos Teixeira de Barros Moraes
Date: 1994 to 1996

Fernando Garibaldi Fernandes Manchini
Undergraduate Research Fellows - FATEC-SP
Research: Drivers and mechanical models for surgical robots.
Advisor: Dr. Mauro R. Ushizima
Date: 2002 to 2003

Fernando Urban Gamero
Master's Degree - Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo
Research: Monitoring of the oxygen saturation under extracorporeal circulation and evaluation of the hyperoxia effects.
Advisor: Dr. Idágene A. Cestari
Date: 1997 to 2000

Jan Hofstetter
Standing Committee on Research Exchange - School of Medicine, University of São Paulo
Research: Study of biomechanics properties of skeletal muscle when stimulated with electricity.
Advisor: Prof. Adolfo A. Leirner
Date: August to September 2003

Jens Kohler
Colaborator - Rostock University, Germany
Research: Blood level detector for usage in connection with an oxygenator.
Advisor: Prof. Adolfo A. Leirner
Date: 1993

Jörn Lehe
Colaborator - Technischen Universität Berlin
Research: Ventricular assist device with pericardial inner lining.
Advisor: Prof. K. A. Affeld
Date: 1995 to 1996

Dra. Kátia de Angelis Lobo D'Ávila
Master's Degree - Departament of Physiology, UFRGS
Research: Caractheristics of latissimus dorsi muscle: contractile, haemodynamical and biochemical evaluation in normal and diabetic rats.
Advisores: Dr. Maria Cláudia Irigoyen, Dr. Idágene A. Cestari
Date: 1996 to 1998

Doctorate - Departament of Physiology, UFRGS
Research: The effects of passive cardiomioplasty in ventricular function of infarcted rats and in the development of extra-miocardiac collateral flow induced by VEGF165.
Advisores: Dr. Maria Cláudia Irigoyen, Dr. Idágene A. Cestari
Date: 1998 to 2001

Leandra Estrella
Undergraduate Research Fellows - Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Unicamp
Research: Surface Modifications od Polyurethane and Polyestherurethane Membranes with Heparin
Advisor: Dr. Lúcia Helena I. Mei
Date: 2003 to 2004

Luiz Kiyoshi Fujimoto
Master's Degree - School of Medicine, University of São Paulo
Research: Left Artificial Ventricle: monitoring by the analysis of pneumatic pressure curve
Advisor: Prof. Seigo Tsuzuki
Date: 1979 to 1981

Dr. Mara Dias Pires
Doctorate - Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo
Research: Analysis of heart hypertrophy in rats after aortic banding.
Advisor: Dr. Idágene A. Cestari
Date: since 1999

Marcelo Mazzetto
Master's Degree - Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Research: Proposal and Evaluation of a Safety Standard For Extracorporeal Circulation Machines.
Advisor: Dr. José Carlos Teixeira de Barros Moraes
Date: 2000 to 2003

Dra. Maria Ruth C. Rijo Leite
Doctorate - Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Research: System for measurement of force and contraction velocity in isolated cardiac miocytes.
Advisor: Dr. Idágene A. Cestari
Date: 2000 to 2004

Dra. Marina J. Maizato
Master's Degree - Center for Biomedical Technology, Unicamp
Research: Design and Manufacturing of an Implantable Artificial Ventricle.
Advisor: Dr. Cecília A.C. Zavaglia
Date: 1992 to 1996

Doctorate - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Unicamp
Research: Evaluation of Lyophilized Pericardium Bovine Properties.
Advisores: Dr. Cecília A.C. Zavaglia, Prof. Adolfo A. Leirner
Date: 1997 to 2003

Dr. Mauro Roberto Ushizima
Master's Degree - Center for Biomedical Technology, Unicamp
Research: Development of an oximeter for in line use during cardiopulmonary bypass: in vitro and in vivo evaluation.
Advisores: Dr. Sérgio Mühlen, Dr. Idágene A. Cestari
Date: 1992 to 1995

Doctorate - Centro di Bioingegneria (CBI), Italy
Research: Wide band spectral analysis in the study of neurogenic hypertension.
Advisores: Dr. Marco Di Rienzo, Dr. Eduardo Tavares Costa, Dr. Idágene A. Cestari.
Date: 1996 to 1997

Doctorate - Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Unicamp
Research: : Development of tools for biological signal analysis in time, frequency and time-frequency domains: study of the blood pressure regulation.
Advisores: Dr. Eduardo Tavares Costa, Dr. Idágene Aparecida Cestari
Date: 1997 to 2000

Nikolas S. Harada
Undergraduate Research Fellows - Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Research: Coating and Characterization of Polyvinylchloride Tubing Surface With Heparin for Extracorporeal Circulation.
Advisor: Dr. Wang Shu Yui
Date: 2000 to 2002

Norbert Schulz
Colaborator - Rostock University, Germany
Research: Left ventricular assist device.
Advisor: Prof. Adolfo A. Leirner
Date: 1992 to 1993

Oliver Holberndt
Colaborator - Technischen Universität Berlin
Research: Ventricular assist device.
Advisor: Prof. K. A. Affeld
Date: 1997 to 1999

Rinaldo Miranda
Master's Degree - Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
Research: Evaluation and optimization of a pneumatic driver system control for an artificial ventricle.
Advisor: Dr. Idágene A. Cestari
Date: 2000 to 2004

Ryan Chan
Standing Committee on Research Exchange - School of Medicine, University of São Paulo
Research: Study of biomechanics properties of skeletal muscle when stimulated with electricity.
Advisor: Prof. Adolfo A. Leirner
Date: June to July 2003

Dr. Waldyr P. Novello
Doctorate - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Unicamp
Research: Device for bloood oxygenation and carbon dioxide withdrawn in cardiopulmonary bypass.
Advisor: Prof. Adolfo A. Leirner
Date: 1992 to 1996